Well it seems that I get around to updating my website about once a year now. During the COVID-19 stay at home order, updating my website was high up on my list. Now that we’re a month in, I’ve failed to update. Today that changes.
I’ve been spending the last year working at the Reitz Ranch Center For Ceramic Arts in Clarkdale, Airzona as their Education Director. We have offered several workshops, classes and firings over the last year. We’ve posted a lot of information about the past workshops on our social media accounts either on Facebook or Instagram. Give them a follow!
As for my studio, my family and I moved to Camp Verde, AZ in May of last year. It’s crazy to think how quickly time flies. I packed up my studio in February 2019, and spent the last year slowly setting up my new garage studio. The garage was completely unfinished when we moved, and I’ve done a lot of the work myself. As I’ve slowly worked towards making this the best possible setup, the stay-at-home order definitely allowed me to dial-in the last remaining pieces. Below is an album of the transformation of my space over the last year.
With the COVID-19 pandemic, I’ve had lots of time to think about how I’d like to proceed forward. I’ve been reaching out to some of my current galleries to see if more work is needed (better out there than in here). Also, I’ve begun searching for new gallery representation both locally and nationally. It’s odd thinking that now would be a good time to find galleries, however, I’m unsure how to navigate forward with our current state as a nation. So proceeding with others that have knowledge of the art markets sounds like a much better idea than trying to navigate alone.
I hope this update finds everyone healthy and safe. I have lots of ideas how I’d like to continue to update this website and my presence online. Keep an eye out for that!