Saturday, September 9

We are happy to report that Leo has had an uneventful day today. He continues to rest up for the big event on Monday. 

Many friends and family have been asking about the specifics of Leo's surgery. Here are a few details the cardiac surgeons have shared with us. 

To begin, Leo's surgery is the second planned by his team on Monday. We were told he may not go in until 11am depending upon how long the first case takes. He will undergo an hour of prep, an hour for the actual procedure and an hour in recovery. With any luck, he will return three hours after leaving us. 

The coarctation repair will be accomplished by first creating an incision next to Leo's left shoulder blade. Once inside the chest cavity, the surgeon will remove the narrowed section of the aorta and then reconnect this major vessel. The doctor will also permanently close the PDA (patent ductus arteriosus) so Leo's circulatory system begins to function normally.

Once done, Leo will move to the Cardiovascular Intensive Care Unit. The doctors expect he will remain in CVICU for 5-7 days. Once released from the hospital, Leo will need stay on campus for another week. Ben, Kami and their little guy will be residing at the Ronald McDonald house. In about two weeks, he should be finally cleared to head home with his mom and dad. 

We would like to again thank all who have brought meals, visited Leo, sent well-wishes, house-sat, dog-sat, cat-sat and more. How lucky our family is to have so many caring friends in our circle. It is absolutely appreciated!
